
اليمن: اطفال جوعى يستصرخون ضمير العالم (تقرير مصور)



“الحرب في اليمن دفعت ستة ملايين شخص إلى حافة المجاعة”، هكذا عنون الكاتب في صحيفة الاندبندنت اليستار داوبر مقاله منذ يومين. هذا وذكر الكاتب نقلاً عن تقرير نشرته منظمة الاوكسفام أنه “منذ بدء الغارات الجوية بزعامة السعودية في مارس/آذار الماضي يصبح 25 ألف شخص إضافيين كل يوم بدون غذاء أو إمدادات أساسية، ويواجه 13 مليون شخص، نصف عدد سكان اليمن، نقصاً في الغذاء”، اضافة الى ذلك “ففي محافظة صعدة، 80 في المئة من السكان، أي  نحو 670 ألف شخص، يعانون الجوع، و50 في المئة منهم يعانون الجوع بصورة حرجة”، بحسب منظمة الاوكسفام.


فبعد مرور اربعة اشهر على بدء العدوان السعودي الأميركي على اليمن، تبقى نتائج هذا العدوان محصورة بتجويع الشعب اليمني والقضاء على كل المرافق الحيوية والبنية التحتية في البلاد، اضافة الى قتل المزيد من المدنيين اغلبهم من الأطفال، حيث استشهد حتى الآن حوالي 3700 يمنياً، بحسب الأمم المتحدة.


لكن وفي مكان آخر، تحديداً في جنوب فرنسا، وعلى وقع العدوان المستمر على كل ما في اليمن من بشر وحجر، يقضي الملك السعودي سلمان بن عبد العزيز عطلته الصيفية، مخلفاً وراءه خيبة جيشه في تحقيق أي هدف من اهداف حربه المعلنة. في ما يلي صور نشرتها وكالة رويترز تختصر بشاعة #العدوان السعودي الأميركي على اليمن، حيث تأتي هذه الصور بمثابة نداء استغاثة في ضمير العالم، وبمثابة شاهد ايضاً على جرائم آل سعود.

A malnourished child lies in a bed at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A malnourished child lies in a bed at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A woman holds her malnourished daughter at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A woman holds her malnourished daughter at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 28, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 28, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child sits at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child sits at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A nurse holds a malnourished child at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa July 28, 2015.  REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A nurse holds a malnourished child at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A malnourished child lies in a bed at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa July 28, 2015.  REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A malnourished child lies in a bed at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A doctor attends to a newborn baby in a special care unit at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa May 7, 2015.  REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A doctor attends to a newborn baby in a special care unit at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa May 7, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A malnourished boy cries in his home in Sanaa June 20, 2012.  REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished boy cries in his home in Sanaa June 20, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa April 15, 2013. REUTERS/Mohammed al-Sayaghi
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa April 15, 2013. REUTERS/Mohammed al-Sayaghi
A woman sits next to her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa, June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman sits next to her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa, June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child is seen at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa April 15, 2013.  REUTERS/Mohammed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child is seen at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa April 15, 2013. REUTERS/Mohammed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child sleeps inside a ward at Assabiyn hospital in Sanaa, February 11, 2012.  REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A malnourished child sleeps inside a ward at Assabiyn hospital in Sanaa, February 11, 2012.
REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A doctor holds a malnourished boy as his mother sits at a therapeutic feeding centre in the southern Yemeni city of Taiz, June 30, 2012. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A doctor holds a malnourished boy as his mother sits at a therapeutic feeding centre in the southern Yemeni city of Taiz, June 30, 2012. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A nurse checks a malnourished child at a hospital in Yemen's capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A nurse checks a malnourished child at a hospital in Yemen’s capital Sanaa July 28, 2015. REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman holds her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa June 4, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A child suffering from malnutrition rests in a bed at Assabiyn hospital in Sanaa, February 11, 2012.  REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A child suffering from malnutrition rests in a bed at Assabiyn hospital in Sanaa, February 11, 2012.
REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah
A woman sits next to her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa February 13, 2014.  REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman sits next to her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa February 13, 2014. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child lies on a weighing scale at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 30, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A malnourished child lies on a weighing scale at a therapeutic feeding centre at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 30, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman pinches her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 28, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A woman pinches her malnourished child at a therapeutic feeding center at al-Sabyeen hospital in Sanaa May 28, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A family with a malnourished child is pictured in their home in Sanaa June 21, 2012.    REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
A family with a malnourished child is pictured in their home in Sanaa June 21, 2012. REUTERS/Mohamed al-Sayaghi
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