

It announced the unit’s missile power of the Republic of Yemen to enter a rocket “SMOOD” to the front line, the launch of a new missile system with large destructive and effective local and national industry complete.
The rocket unit in a statement today received the Yemen News Agency (SABA) a copy of “the steadfastness of the great Yemeni people and loyalty to the blood of the martyrs, the wounded and the steadfastness of the prisoners and the issue of missing and sacrifices of our people in order to achieve freedom, dignity and sovereignty, and with the memory of the revolution of September 26 solutions revolutionary liberation and independence, announce Log missile “SMOOD” to the front line. ”

The length of the missile, “SMOOD” of four meters and a diameter of 555 mm, and the weight of the warhead of 300 kg and the total weight of the rocket tons, as the missile has a range of 38 kilometers and the number of ten thousand shrapnel fragment.14536940_1579158105724560_1685949574_o 14489546_1579158125724558_2051573241_o

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